Timelapse teen documents Seven years in 90 second viral video

Ziggy | 12 Aug, 2014 01:50PM | Leave a comment
Hugo Cornellier, now 19, had to take over 2,550 selfies to document each and every day since he was 12-years-old.The fast-paced time-lapse shows flashes of various hairstyles, hints of past loves, and changes in his phones and home as it speeds through a little under half Hugo's time on Earth.Almost two million people have now watched the 90second viral clip that fast-forwards through SEVEN years of the British teen's life.

The teen said: "It's absolutely incredible seeing how much I've changed over the last seven years.

"With the time-lapse it looks as if you are watching my hair grow on a daily basis.

"When I started taking the selfies I always intended to make the video".

Hugo, who is originally from London, now lives in Montreal, Canada, and took the now-famous photos on his laptop every day, in several locations including his family home, car and lately, his college dormitory.


- www.express.co.uk