Taking Michael Jackson to Sri Lanka by Anusha Seneviratne and Dee Pfeiffer

Ziggy | 15 Aug, 2015 11:27AM | Leave a comment
MJL's Back to School Campaign - as easy as A-B-C!

We are part of a small UK-registered charity named Michael Jackson’s Legacy (MJL). We are a charity founded in memory of the legendary Michael Jackson, who spent much of his life doing charitable work in aid of the world’s most disadvantaged populations, particularly children and wildlife.

Since 2011, we have mobilized fans worldwide to build two children's homes - in Liberia and in Haiti respectively - a preschool and a playground. We have sponsors who ensure that over 20 Haitian children are getting care and an education that would otherwise remain elusive. We have also funded the protection of an acre of woodland in the UK, for posterity, and a horse sanctuary's work out in California. Recently we partnered with the International Elephant Foundation to provide essential materials for wildlife rangers and vets to help protect African and Asian elephants and treat those injured by poachers.

Michael Jackson had hoped to tour Sri Lanka following his London shows in 2009. As he sadly never made it to Sri Lanka, we decided to take him there ourselves!We are excited to announce that MJL has partnered with theFoundation of Goodness, in order to help with their appeal for school packs ahead of the 2016 school year. As we are all well aware, many lives were devastated and children orphaned by the 2004 Boxing Day tsunami and the 30-year civil war. While the war ended in 2009, there are still numerous families living in extreme poverty, some of whom live in makeshift homes and shelters with limited access to electricity or water. In some cases, even travelling to school is a hardship. Indeed, many of the children do not attend school because they cannot afford even the bare essential school supplies.What would Michael do? Of course, we already know the answer. It's time to take Michael to Sri Lanka!

For just £20 you can sponsor a school bag brimming with all that a child needs for school, including books, stationery, a pencil box, a lunch box, crayons, a water bottle, material for school uniforms and even a voucher for shoes! In addition to these essentials and thanks to our very own artist Mimi, bags sponsored via MJL will include a couple of surprise Michael-inspired keepsakes, each displaying poignant quotes and song lyrics by Michael, which will undoubtedly inspire and encourage the children throughout their school year.Sponsorships need to be finalised by October when the packs are bought. In December, the brand new bags will be distributed to many little outstretched hands and joyful faces during a very special reception.

This is an opportunity for you to be a part of a life-changing initiative. Help a child escape the cycle of poverty and give them hope in a better world. By sponsoring one school bag, you are lighting up the future of a little boy or girl and helping them make their dreams come true.Helping a Sri Lankan child back to school is as easy as A-B-C. Just send your donation via Paypal to: hello@michaeljacksonslegacy.org. Any amount will be appreciated.

To find out more about MJL you can visit our website: http://www.michaeljacksonslegacy.org and our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/michaeljacksonslegacy

Thank you!

"If one person just helped one child…just helped ONE child…they would have done so much.  You can do that, it would be beautiful, just to help one person would be a lot."
~ Michael Jackson ~