Historic Vesak Celebration at No. 10 Downing Street

Admin | 22 May, 2024 08:26PM | Leave a comment
No. 10 Downing Street hosted its first-ever Vesak celebration in history on 22nd May, 2024. This significant occasion, marking the Birth, Enlightenment, and Passing Away of Gautama Buddha, was attended by distinguished guests including His Excellency Rohitha Bogollagama, High Commissioner of Sri Lanka and Madam Deepthi Bogollagama.

The celebration was organized by Baroness Scott, Minister for Faith, and graced by the presence of Venerable Seelawimala Thero, Chief Sanganayake of Great Britain and Chief Incumbent of the London Buddhist Vihara.

This historic celebration at No. 10 Downing Street marks a milestone in the recognition and celebration of Buddhist traditions in the UK, paving the way for greater cultural exchange and mutual respect among all communities.

Sri Lanka High Commission