Devi Balika PPA (UK)commences its 27th year with a Malpahan Pujava

Admin | 23 May, 2018 01:09AM | Leave a comment
On Sunday 15 April 2018, the death anniversary of Dr Mrs Wimala de Silva, founder Principal, Devians in the UK gathered at the London Vihara, Chiswick. In 1953, Dr Mrs de Silva had the onerous task of building the reputation of a newly established school. Devi has been a leading girls school and is currently on the top of the performance ratings.

Venerable Kassapa, Venerable Pannavamsa and a visiting monk presided over the pujava with the participants chanting Lowadasangara gee (blessings). After the anusasana (sermon), the newly elected President, Dr Shihan de Silva welcomed the Devians, their families, friends and other wellwishers. She voiced the Devians sentimentalities to their alma mata even after the passage of time and the distance from the diaspora.

Dr Mrs de Silva combined an unusual mixture of qualities. She had much foresight and was an excellent Planner and Manager. Forthrightness and caring were two of her greatest attributes. But above all her sensitivity to weaker beings made her the ideal choice to lead a school with talented girls from a mixture of socioeconomic backgrounds.

Dr Harshi Boralessa, who knew Dr Mrs Wimala de Silva personally, said in her tribute: 'To be the person I am today, my greatest debt is to Dr Wimala de Silva for the wisdom she imparted to me, not for a brief period of my life but throughout my life until her sudden death in 2007.'

Devians know the profound effect that the school has had on their lives, moulding their vision and their attitudes to life and society. By making offerings, the group of grateful students transferred merit to their much loved Principal, First Vice Principal Mrs Kalyani De Zoysa (who passed away in September) and two students from the first batch to be educated at Devi Balika: Mrs Venetia Gamage (who passed away in March last year) and Indrani Pereis (who passed away a few weeks ago) whilst the bhikkus chanted the stanzas of the pan vedima.

President Shihan thanked the Vihara for supporting the Association's pujava over the past 27 years and the participants for joining in the meritorious act; Everyone was invited to tea and refreshments. Devians displayed their culinary skills underscoring that their talents were not limited to academic performance. The tranquillity of the Vihara hall was an ideal space for networking, rekindling old friendships and making new ties whilst sipping cups of Ceylon tea which has made our motherland famous.

Dr Shihan de Silva

Photos by Karunaseeli Somasiri