Kenu, a Sri Lankan boy who lives in London has been diagnosed with a relapse of leukemia. He urgently needs a Bone Marrow Transplant (BMT) to save his life. we are looking for a suitable BMT donor from Sri Lankan or South Asian community in U.K. To save his life.
The UK charity 'delete blood cancer' is working hard to find a suitable donor for Kenu. You can join this task by register with
Everyone aged 17-55 and in general good health to register as a potential blood stem cell donor. When register, you just need to fill up a simple application and send them to with the sample of saliva.
Delete blood cancer is organizing events targeting Sri Lankan community in UK to get register with BMT to save Kenu's life. You also can join with this campaign.
More information: Kenu's father, Suneth on 07912377148 Joseph Hallett, Delete Blood Cancer Castle Row Horticultural Place London W4 4JQ 020 8747 5632 107782416892 107896964