[Video] “Kavadada enne? Natha apa danne” - Marambari

Admin | 01 Jan, 1970 12:00AM | Leave a comment
The lyrics that flowed from the pen of Prof Sunil Ariyaratne, veteran lyricist, writer and scholar, adorned the tapestry of music at the Watford Colosseum, courtesy of Visharada Edward Jayakody and Visharada Charitha Priyadharshani, during Marambari Live Concert on the07 of February 2015.

The words’ when will I see you again ’or “will I ever see you again” echoes in the minds of many cancer sufferers and their kith and kin following the disclosure of the diagnosis. “The Emperor of All Maladies” still claims many lives globally. By 2020 16 million worldwide is predicted develop cancer.

Though the ground breaking research in cancer genetics and molecular biology predicts by 2026 most cancers would no longer carry a death sentence, many cancer patients in Sri Lanka, even today die of cancers that have increased survival rates in the more developed countries, due to lack of equitable access to state-of-the art cancer treatments .

All of you music lovers and guests who joined us on the day, donated time and money to raise funds for the Hela Sarana cancer project have undoubtedly contributed to reduce the disparity in cancer treatment. We aim to use the raised funds to provide anti-cancer drugs for the patients at the Maharagama Cancer Hospital. Please accept our sincere gratitude for making this dream come true.

The same words resonate among the patients and relatives of Chronic Kidney Disease of uncertain origin (CKDU), now termed agricultural nephropathy by some. To provide clean water for the areas decimated by the CKDU epidemic and, nutritional support for the renal dialysis patients and educational grants for the children of the affected families have been our key projects for 2014 and will remain as the main focus for 2015.

It is a long way to go and our feet might become frail, with you on our side we can canter to the goal.

Hela Sarana Wishes to thank the charity Sunshine helps for co-hosting the event.

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Dr. Jayantha Perera
Secretary Hela Sarana