Venerable Thiththagalle Anandasiri Thero, a prominent Abhidharma and Meditation teacher in Sri Lanka conducted a Dharmadesana at London Buddhist Vihara on 19th August 2017 under the monthly Dhammasawana programme. The sermon was based on Chula Kamma Vibanga Sutta.
The Cūla Kamma Vibhaṅga Sutta is special in that it gives some specific examples of the fruits of karma, good and evil, based on the simple folk notion of good begets good, evil begets evil. This discourse is addressed to the lay community, especially those not yet familiar with deeper doctrine of karma in the light of not-self.
Head of the London Buddhist Vihara, Chief Sangha Nayaka of Great Britain Most Ven. Bogoda Seelawimala Nayaka Thera welcomed and introduced Ven. Anandasiri Thero to the large gathering attended and paid Punyanumodana to visiting Thero and every one who helped in various ways in arranging this month's Dhammassawana programme.
This was Ven. Anandasiri Thero's first visit to the United Kingdom. During his short stay in the UK, he conducted sermons in temples in and around London, Liverpool, Birmingham and Letchworth.
Venerable Anandasiri Thero was born in outskirts of Galle. In 2009, he ordained as a novice monk. During his monastic life the Venerable Anandasiri Thero practiced Samatha meditation and took a keen interest in learning Abhidharma. He developed the understanding and the knowledge of teachings of the Buddha by reading the books written by late Venerable Renukane Chandawimala Nayake Thero on Abhidharma. In 2014, he decided it was time to teach Abhidharma to lay people. With this in mind and with the help of close associates he began conducting classes in Sri Lanka. He explained Abhidharma in a simple understanding way and as a result became very popular amongst the Buddhist community in Sri Lanka. As popularity increased he widely travelled and held classes throughout the country and abroad. Currently he is residing at Methbosevana Meditation centre in Ahangama, Galle district.
His Abhidharma, Pattana Desana and Dhammapada sermons can be listened on the following
Photographs by Tissa Madawela