Photographs by Tissa Madawela
Aggamahapandita Venerable Galayaye Piyadassi Nayaka Thero arranged a special Pujava in memory of Venerable Maduluwewe Sobhita Nayaka Thero at the Kingsbury Buddhist Temple on Thursday 12 November 2015.
The Nayaka Thero was closely associated with Ven. Galayaye Piyadass Thero and the Sri Saddhatissa International Buddhist Centre and visited the Temple and its Vesak/ Poson celebrations on many occasions. A large gathering was present.
Ven. Maduluwewe Sobhita Nayaka Thero was well known for his Dharmadesanas. He was also a great patriot and respected not only in Sri Lanka but by all national minded Sri Lankans abroad. Sri Lanka has lost an outstanding leader of the Buddhist Sangha.